Week 3 Round up!
Hello Skywriters!
This week we’ve been busy. It seems there’s a pattern emerging…
Below is a summary of our movements.
Skywriters was featured online and in print in Liverpool Echo! There was also a segment on Scouse Christmas Stockings too. We were ecstatic to be in our local paper and have a few copies at home to keep.
Had a lovely interview with Pauline Daniels from Liverpool Live Radio. Pauline was so warm and engaging. I felt at ease and able to elaborate on the Skywriters offer and ethos.
Our GoFundMe is at £955 but we still need your help to reach our target. Please share and donate if you can. Donate here.
Attended Writing on the Wall’s Level Up programme for new businesses to develop Skywriters. Session 1 was about Business planning and strategy. A very useful and informative session!
Our daily Skywriters Sessions have continued and the quality of submissions has been wonderful. Keep your eyes peeled as poems submitted by participants will feature on our website this week. If you would like to participate we hold sessions on instalive Monday to Fridays at 12pm.
Attended a two part course delivered by The Women’s Organisation on building a social media strategy.
Finally we’ve been making plans for a special Skywriters Christmas announcement to mark our one month birthday. More details to be revealed soon!
Alongside this
I participated in a workshop with The Goddess Projects, Frank Peschier of Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse and local playwright, Marj Morgan. It was an excellent event and we can’t wait to do it again!
Thanks for your continued support!